Application Notice
Please note: All sessions are full for the 2024 Summer camp season. Any new incoming applications are automatically put on the waitlist. Please call the summer office with any questions: 603-899-9590.
The CampMinder application has an auto time-out feature that we are unable to change. Please make sure you click the "save for later" button often while completing the application so you can avoid the system logging you out and erasing your work.
The CampMinder application has an auto time-out feature that we are unable to change. Please make sure you click the "save for later" button often while completing the application so you can avoid the system logging you out and erasing your work.
Welcome back!
We’re excited that you’re planning to return to Starfish.
Camper applications are reviewed in the order received. Returning campers do not require professional references.
Log into your MyCampMinder account to complete the returning-camper application:
Optional Forms
Please note that you will be required to complete additional paperwork, such as health forms, prior to attendance at camp.
Complete & mail the following forms as necessary: