You Make a Difference
The success of Camp Starfish is made possible by the generosity of individuals, foundations, communities, and corporations.
It costs over $5,000 for one child to attend Starfish because of the intensive, therapeutic style, individualized support we provide each camper and their family. Most of our campers receive “camperships” to reduce that cost.
The experience of a summer at Starfish can change the life of a camper and their family members. Your gift means the world to our community!
Ways to Give
Every donation to Camp Starfish is an investment in a child’s future. It’s a chance for a child to feel seen, heard, and valued in a world that can often feel overwhelming.
Consider giving in honor or in memory of someone, to celebrate a special occasion, or as a monthly recurring gift!
Donate by Mail
Please make checks out to Camp Starfish
Camp Starfish
873 Main Street, Suite 1
Ashby, MA 01431
Donate In-Kind
We are always appreciative of in-kind gifts such as books, games, camping equipment, craft supplies, and more. If you have things to donate or would like to start a donation drive in your community, let us know and we'll be happy to help!
We're grateful to the many people who ask us, "what can we get for camp?" We have lots of specific needs each summer. If you shop online, check out our Amazon Wishlist!